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Wind energy

The utilisation of the wind energy is showing an increasing trend throughout the world, the 14,000 MW capacity of 1999 has increased to 45,000 MW for 2004, it reaches 75,000 MW by now and it will be above 100,000 MWby 2010 . The production of the branche exceeds USD 9-10 thousand millions/year already and the increase rate on yearly base is steadily growing, as

- the demand on electrical energy is continuously increasing,
- in several region of the world the utilisation of the wind energy is already competitive with the production facilities utilizing termo energy taken into consideration the increasing trend of the fuels prices,
- the change of the climatic circumstances because of the burning of the fossil products is influencing the governments to apply for the wind- and other clean energies.

The interest in utilizing the results of the wind turbines development increases, as it allows the utilisation of the wind energy even in countries like Hungary where appropriate wind speed can be measured only at big heights.

The questions related to the utilisation of alternative energies, among other the wind energy will be handled in Hungary in the Electric Energy Law (hereafter: EEL). To meet the reuirements of the principles of the European Union`s energy politics the EEL declared the obligation for the grid owners to take over the electric energy produced with the utilisation of alternative energies.

ContentGest.Com Kommunikációs és Tanácsadó Bt (
Picture162 MW "Colorado Green Wind Farm", sited near Lamar (
Colorado, USA). Each turbine produce 1.5MW energy
"Courtesy of DOE/NREL"

A szél energia hasznosítása € 24 milliárd megtakarítást eredményez 2015-ben Print E-mail
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A New (newnet) 2011. június 14. –I számában publikált cikk szerint a szélenergia hasznosítása EUR 23,7 milliárd megtakarítást eredményez a tüzelő anyag költségben az International Energy Association (IEA) and Global Wind Energy Council adatai szerint. A teljes összegen belül a szén felhasználásának csökkenése EUR 15.milliárdot, a gázfogyasztásé EUR 6.4 milliárdot, míg az olaj fogyasztás csökkenése EUR 1.7 milliárdot jelent. A szélenergia hasznosításának növekedéséből származó megtakarítás 2020-ra megnégyszereződik, és eléri az EUR 87 Milliárdot.

A szélerőmű tendert visszavonták Print E-mail
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Ahogyan azt az EnergiaPorta egy korábbi cikkében már feltételezte, a Magyar Energia Hivatal 2010. július 15-én a szélerőmű tender visszavonása mellett döntött. Jólehet a MEH vonatkozó Közleménye nem bocsátkozik részletekbe az EnergiaPorta megítélése szerint a tender visszavonásának körülményei és indoklása mindenképpen tanulságos. A MEH Közleménye ezen a linken érhető el.
Introducing "" Print E-mail is the only internet television channel devoted purely to windpower. 

We supply the very latest cutting edge news from around the world, using film to showcase the latest products and emerging technologies to hit the market and highlight the world-wide conference, exhibitions and events within the wind industry. Our ultimate aim being to provide a fully integrated, central, online platform which is both independent and informative.

Please check out daily for the latest developments in the Wind Sector.

Designing wind power plants Print E-mail

The assessment of the agricultural lands to be found in windy areas does not go to cost to the land owners, but it creates the possibility of examining the construction of windfarms and their grid connection. Should their suitability be confirmed, the land owners shall be remunerated for the utilisation for several years upon after the commissioning of the project and the start-up of the energy production.

New wind blows on the windenergy market Print E-mail
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Utilization of wind energy in Hungary Print E-mail

Below link opens a MS PowerPoint presentation by NRG Systems Kft. CEO, Mr. Gábor Csákány, presented in Marseille European Wind Energy Conference (EWEC 2009).


Please click here for the doucment

Source: NRG-Systems Ltd (
Content republished with owner's approval
Wind energy - energy storage Print E-mail

Energy Storage System One of the most serious problems of the Hungarian energy system is that the demand by night is below the production of the basic power plants. An other big problem is the satisfaction of the daily peak demands while assuring enough safety reserve. The intermittent nature of the wind – and with it the utilisation of the wind energy - presents a problem in respect of the system stability.

Regarding the construction of wind turbines it is known, that max 25-30% of the allocated grid capacity can be utilized. In the interest of increasing the energetic efficiency of the wind turbines / windfarms, and decreasing the grid stability problems it seems to be necessary to establish some equalizer energy storage plants to decrease the effects of the abrupt loads. (In case of windfarms the number of wind turbines moderates the problem of abrupt loads practically in itself, as 1/n – where n= the number of wind turbines – „smoothes down” the arising load changes.)

1. Figure. Characteristic daily load curve for a summer deay (2006.)

Vestas V90-1.8/2.0 MW wind-turbine Print E-mail
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Vestas V52-850 kW wind-turbine Print E-mail
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